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They are playing music

Hodja was returning home one night with one of his students when he saw a gang of thieves standing in front of a house, trying to break the lock. Hodja perceived that he would probably get hurt if he spoke up, so he decided to stay quite and pass by quickly. But his student however, did not understand what was happening so he asked:
- What are all those men standing there doing?
- Shhh! replied Hodja. They're playing music!
- But I can't hear anything!
- Well we shall hear the noise tomorrow! Hodja said.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité , Tel est l'ordre des choses qui prévaut à notre époque ; chaque valeur morale se retrouve bouleversée de telle manière que les gens ne sont plus capables de distinguer le Bien du Mal
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 08 janvier 2007
Tout l'univers glorifie Allah le Seigneur des mondes.
Glorifier Allah procure la vraie vie! L'univers tout entier est un orchestre à la glorification du divin
Cheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 22 avril 2007
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Nafisa at-Tahira, Rare Lady Saint of the
Sayyida Nafisa was born in Makkah on the 11th of Rabi`a al-Awwal, the same night that the Prophet (s) was born, in the year 145 H. Her father had been appointed governor of Madinat al-Munawwara in the year 150 H. She accompanied her father to Madina at...
Imam Metawalli ash-Sha`rawi :: 22 janvier 2008
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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