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Cutting off the branch you are riding on

One day the Hodja was up a tree cutting fire wood. Somebody passing by, noticed he was busily hacking at the very branch he was riding on.

-Be carefull, Hodja Effendi! he warned. It is the branch you are riding on that you are trying to cut off. Unless you stop at once, you will certainly come a crop-per.

The Hodja didn't bother to answer the man. Busy-bodies were everywhere. Never doing anything useful themselves, they kept telling you what to do, or not to do. While his mind was on this train of thought, down came the Hodja together with the branch he had just managed to severe.

His opinion of the man was immediately reversed. Surely this was a man not to be trifled with. In fact, he might be the wisest man he would ever meet in his life. As soon as he got himself disentangled, he ran after the man, but he was too late, for the man had disappeared.

Probably that was just as well. Because what he had had in mind was to ask the sage to tell him exactly when he was due to die.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
La vision de Ouweis Al-Qarani par Cheikh Abdoullah (q)
"Après le décès de Cheikh Sharafouddin, j'attendais une ouverture pour émigrer de la Turquie, j'étais dans en séclusion dans la mosquée à côté du tombeau de mon Cheikh, priant une nuit auparavant Fajr.
Cheikh Hisham Kabbani :: 21 mai 2006
Le Seigneur nous a envoyé un atome de Ces Océans, Mouhammad (saw)
Allah nous envoie quelqu’un pour Le représenter, Lui et Sa Gloire, Son Pouvoir, Son Amour, Sa Beauté, Son Savoir et Sa Sagesse infinie.Je ne dis pas que ces représentants sont une représentation entière… peut-être seulement un atome.
Ch. Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 13 fevrier 2008
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Dieu et la créature sont deux noms qui désignent en fait un seul et même Nommé: à savoir l'Essence divine qui Se manifeste par l'un et par l'autre.
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   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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