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Didn't we move?

One day a thief robed Hodja's house and removed everything he had. Hodja who was watching him secretly, packed a few things he left and followed him. They arrived at the thief's house. He saw Hodja behind him, just when he was about to open the door. He got angry:
- What are you doing in my house, man? asked the thief.
- Why are you surprised? replied Hodja Didn't we move to this house?

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 21 janvier 2007
Tout l'univers glorifie Allah le Seigneur des mondes.
Glorifier Allah procure la vraie vie! L'univers tout entier est un orchestre à la glorification du divin
Cheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 22 avril 2007
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Cheikh Mouhammad az-Zahid
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To Make the people stop talking
To Make the people stop talking (One day, Molla and his son went on a journey. Molla preferred to let his son ride the donkey while he walked. )
Nasreddin Hodja :: 19 janvier 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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