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   Poèmes - Citations - Sagesses & Anecdotes

Trickster wife and hot soup

Nasreddin Hodja's wife wanted to play a trick on her husband. So when he came home one night tired and hungry, she put a bowl of scalding hot soup on the table. But forgetting the soup was hot, she swallowed a spoonful of it; immediately tears rolled from her eyes. Seeing his wife crying without any reason, Hodja asked,
- What came over you?
Hodja's wife, drying the tears with her husband, answered,
- I remembered my poor mother. She was so fond of this soup. It was she who taught me how to make it.
Hodja knew his mother-in-law and had much respect forher. So he didn't say anything, took a spoonful of the soup and swallowed it. Of course, his eyes also filled with tears.
- What's wrong with you? his wife asked. Why are you also crying?
- I am crying said Hodja, because it is you who should have died instead of your unfortunate mother.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
Et Nous lui avons appris la connaissance de Notre Présence Divine
Nous lisons des discours de mon Grand-Cheikh. Grand-Cheikh était un homme illettré, mais Allah Tout-puissant apprend à certaines personnes parce qu'ils enlèvent tout de leurs coeurs excépté leur Seigneur et ils choisissent leur Seigneur par dessus tout
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani :: 12 août 2001
Reconstruisez votre personnalité
Ô gens, venez, écoutez et demandez la vérité. Demander la vérité est la caractéristique la plus importante des humains.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani :: 02 juin 2006
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Cheikh Hisham Kabbani :: 30 janvier 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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